General Sales Conditions

How to book?
Select the type of accommodation you want. Check availability for the dates of your intended stay. Enter the dates with the calendars. Our system will pick up the best rates available according to the length of your stay and the season. As long as a room remains available in its category, the calendar will accept the request. But since there are other booking channels like telephone or fax, we will have to confirm your booking request (somebody else might have taken the last room available in the meantime). In order to garanty your reservation, you will have to give us your credit card number. Cancellation policy:

  • If cancelled up to 2 day before the date of arrival, no fee will be charged.
  • If cancelled later, the first night will be charged.
  • In case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.

How to guaranty?
By giving us your credit card number: we strongly encourage it. You may use our online system as well as phone or fax.
Important: Your reservation will be confirmed as soon as we will have received a guarantee.